I feel that one of the most important facts from chapter 5 and what I have come to realize myself over time is the importance of reading to your child, and making every parent aware of this. The articles that were presented during our last session stated that those children who come from lower income families are about 32 million words behind a child coming from an upper class home. I agree with the statement of making a child smarter one word at a time, the more we speak to our children the larger it will expand their vocabulary and may even get them reading at a younger age.
There was also talk about the AVID program that is taking place at school's in Bismarck and how it is working for them, this sounds lie a very good program and may also be good for our local school's. A fact that seems to come up in every session is teaching the whole student, there are many school's talked about in the book that are high-poverty and they are working with the students to meet adequate yearly progress, even though many of the student's come from families that receive free or reduced meals. Our schools in Rugby do not have near the students on free and reduced lunches, but there are some that come from homes where they are living with very little, and this is affecting how they do in school. We need to remember this as teacher's and try to guide these student's in the right direction, to maybe prevent this from happening to them also when they have a family.